Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Latest Dish

We thought we found an inexpensive recipe due to its lack of ingredients; however, we were sadly disappointed as we pulled out the Visa to cover the $40 tab. In reviewing the receipt, we discovered we could have saved $20 but would have remained without beverage. (Please see previous post - and every other post - to understand why our two boxes of Two-Buck Chuck are empty. Please see two posts below to see our mad math skillz.)

Before looking at our delicious dinner of pasta carbonara, green beans and cherry tomatoes, and garlic bread, please look at the plate underneath. One of our most loyal followers drew to our attention the lack of diversity in dinnerware. (Bet you didn't know Sandra Lee was reading our blog, did you?) Apparently said reader neglected to realize our "broke" status, but we obliged her interest in plates and scoped out the deals at Target. We decided we could swing the $2.99 for a new plate (yes "a," not "a pair"), especially since we just got a sweet catering deal. Now we could really get this business off the ground if only we didn't offer to do it for free...

Tune in for our next tablescape.

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