Sunday, April 10, 2011

We've Been Dethroned... the queens of passive-aggressive behavior. Let us tell you some stories:
  • As you know, we had not blogged for quite awhile. In that time period, we met several "interesting" individuals, most of whom we subsequently friended on a popular social networking site (perhaps you've heard of it, as it was the subject of an Academy Award nominated film), most of whom were unaware of our virtual authorship. On Friday, we tried to regain loyal readership by advertising our blog everywhere we possibly could, including the aforementioned site. On Saturday, one of these "new friends" proceeded to delete every single comment he had written on our page. Coincidence? We think not. The question remains: why not just delete us all together? Interestingly, due to us being respectful (hey, first time for everything) he had not yet been mentioned in our blog.
  • As usual, this is best recalled via actual text messages:
1:16 a.m.: "What r u girls doing?"
1:16 a.m.: "Um, we're at home. We're so cool." (Dude, it's almost 2:00 in the morning. You're 30 years old. It's time to go home.)
2:44 a.m.: "Me and my buddy solvinh th problems of the world. What u doing?"
2:50 a.m.: "Solving the problems of sleeping by moving from the couch to the bed." (Perhaps the better solution would be to turn off the phone.)
2:51 a.m.: "Soft."
2:51 a.m.: "Uh..." (Not surprising.)
3:20 a.m.: "Dude*...I kill on gitar hero." ("Dude?" Really?")
3:39 a.m.: "Oh yeah?"
3:49 a.m.: "You got no chance...I'd fuck you up." (Right.)
4:07 a.m. "Y do u have cats?"
4:08 a.m. "Random. Why do you ask?"
4:08 a.m. "Bc I'm allergic to their damn dander." (What drunk person says "dander" at 4 a.m.?)
4:09 a.m. "There's medicine for that."
4:18 a.m. "I'd be dead if I took that shit."
4:19 a.m. "Abundance of alcohol & allergy meds don't exactly go togetjer."
4:30 a.m. "Were you planning on coming over or something?" (Do not read as hopeful: merely inquiring.)
4:34 a.m. "I'm a guitar hero all star."*
5:40 a.m. "I rock." (Indeed.)

In addition to dealing with passive-aggressive dudes, we had quite an eventful weekend. Remember how we said that we signed up for a marathon? Well, turns out that training for such an event is quite important. We decided to start yesterday. After a day of training (two miles), our muscles hurt, our toes hurt, and our brains hurt. We would already like to quit. Instead, we say this to 26.2 miles: BRING IT.

In order to rehydrate and use a coupon, we decided Sangria Saturday was a wonderful idea. Turns out that our $25 coupon covered the tip. Oops. We also decided that our workout for today would include margaritas (Skinnygirl, of course) at 5:00 in the afternoon.

Finally, today was spent running numerous errands. If you are our friends on a certain social networking site, you probably already know this due to our "checking in." It's not so cool when other people do it, huh? We hope you learned your lessons.

And now, we're going to go check in at the refrigerator. It's time for a refill.

*For all of you Guitar Hero All Stars who would like to expand their musical prowess, we would like to recommend a product: Rock Pedal. We would also like to now give a shout-out to the developer of said product, our college buddy.

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